The way I tick... (inventory of being)My name is Shellie
I am 19 years old
I am strong,
But weak
I am a chick breaking out of her shell
I have orange-brown eyes
I am beautiful
But I am far from being vain
However, I love my hairI am faithful
I love God, Jesus Christ
I have a disfunctional family
I love the sunrise
And sunset
I love to sing
Music is my life
I love the ocean
The River of life
I like suckers
But Love Chocolate
I am finding who I am
No one can take that away from me
I hope for love
I hope for family
I am whole
I hope for additions
I believe that God is my father
His promises to me
They will come trueI know people commit suicide
I don't understand how others are okay with it
I know childhoods can suck
I don't understand how people hold onto that pain
I know why they don't move on
I've been there
It's all about control
And fear
Afraid of being free
Now I am free
Ask me why...
My mom,
I love her dearly
My hero if Jesus
Willing to stand in the pain
For... me...
I hate the devil
he is not worthy of a capitol
I hate candy apples
I hate mold
I hate molesters
Or who they have become
They are humans, too
Just rotten ones...
I can't live without God
Music is my soul
I could never live without pen and paper
Poems and songs are my soul
I would like to meet Superwoman
She's not my fictional hero
But she is AWESOMEGirl power!
If I was rich,
I would Clothe and feed the world.
I wish I had a mustang
Someday I will
I wish loneliness didn't visit me
But then I remember the love of my friends
I love receiving Easter baskets
I'd be crushed without one
I almost was this yearI wonder how the mind ticks
My destiny is to serve the Lord
Working with the youth
I will be a psychologist
It's my destiny
I once was a Rashelle
But now...
My name is Shellie
And this is April 6th, 2007